Why Do Sellers & Buyers Hire the Prakash Team?
By Tony Prakash
My Team and I have been working with Buyers and Sellers since. We have been recognized as one of the top 10 agents in the Country and one of the top 5 agents in the State for production and quality of service continuously.
I have dedicated my business to making sure my clients haves and wants are satisfied when it comes to buying or selling Real Estate.
When working with our Team you will discover that communication is a key factor, we make sure we understand what you need and when you need it and that you understand every step of the home buying and selling processes. We will be with you every step of the way.
I have developed a very distinctive Plan of Action designed to get any Real Estate job done from marketing a property so my sellers earn top dollar for their home to negotiating contracts to benefit our clients upper hand, to scheduling home inspections, coordinating escrows and connecting buyers with lenders who can provide a clear understanding of loan programs.
Foreclosures Distressed & BK sellers trust our team simply because we maintain a strong relationship with various banks so when it comes time to helping homeowners who need to short sale modify or surrender his/her home we can get the job done quickly effortlessly and efficiently all while providing 100% free full service.
We have a great understanding when it comes to buying Real Estate, we work with various buyers and helps them understand what the market is doing and what actions need to be taken,we understands VA loans and how to help our Nations Heros get into home ownership with 100% loan programs, understand 1st time home buyers who need down payment assistance, and buyers looking to buy with various funding sources from FHA, FHA203K, CASH, Conventional, and USDA 100% rural housing financing etc.
My Team and I are the go to Team to get the job done in todays Real Estate Market Covering all areas of this World we are ready to assist you with all of your Real Estate Needs
About the Author
 | Tony Prakash, Premier Real Estate Services 1530 16th St Sacramento, CA 95814 9165052385
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